termite & wdo inspections

termite and wdo inspections

roof certification and inspections

As a homeowner, is there a worse thing to hear than, "you have termites?" In the United States, it is reported that termites cost property owners as much as $5 billion annually. However, that number may not be nearly high enough. That's one of the reasons many lenders require an inspection, and most insurance companies don't cover the damage they cause.


Florida has at least three subterranean species and the drywood variety's occasional appearance. The University of Florida says the termite problem in the state of Florida has become more severe, especially in urban areas. These insects create gigantic colonies, sometimes having hundreds of thousands or millions of individual bugs. They're led by a queen and live in a caste system, communicating through vibrations they make with their bodies.


Termites feed on cellulose within wood products, be those in your floors, walls, or furniture. Over time, these insects chew away at a structure until its very foundation is destroyed. The good news is, because infestations grow so slowly, if you have an inspection done promptly, there should be plenty of time to wipe them out before your property is rendered unlivable.

If you're buying or selling a property, you'll need a termite or wood destroying inspection done and done right. At Your Home Inspector Guys, we adhere to state requirements, certified by a nationally-respected organization, and required to undergo continuing education, and our company is fully insured.


Our inspectors do a top-down review of your property. We look for visible signs of an infestation that might be hard for the untrained eye to spot. That might include the mud tubes that termites crawl through, discarded wings near windows and doorways, droppings that appear somewhat like sawdust, bubbling paint, and damage to the wood within your building.


We'll also use technology to look inside the walls for heat signatures. This can reveal nests, paths they've been before, entry points where they might be sneaking in, and moisture sources that could attract them. If we notice moisture issues or areas where wood comes directly in contact with the ground, we'll go over ways to remedy those problems, so you don't attract them moving forward. We keep our clients informed every step of the way and talk them through their options so they know what to expect. We also report findings of previous infestations. It is recommended to get a termite inspection once a year.


The Your Home Inspector Guys inspectors have decades of combined experience performing inspections on South Florida homes. We know what we're looking for and employ the latest and greatest technology to help us find answers. We aren't just walking through and giving everything a quick once-over; we take the time to check out your property thoroughly and cautiously to ensure the area is clear of damage and infestation. Our goal is to give our clients comfort and peace of mind, knowing they've had the best perform their inspection. Contact us today and get your inspection scheduled.

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