Air Quality - Mold Inspections

air quality - mold inspections

Air quality - mold inspections

Things don’t always go as planned when buying or selling a home. Walkthroughs can reveal apparent issues like torn screens and leaking water heaters. While aggravating, a simple agreement between parties can solve these issues, which are minor in the grand scheme of things. To the average eye, however, subtle issues can be passed by. How easy is it to walk past a dirty baseboard and think, well, that needs painting? What happens, though, when that little bit of dirt is mold?

To home and business owners, mold is a scary word. Experts have estimated that there are about 100,000 different strains. They can look rough or fuzzy, have different forms, and be blue, yellow, green, white, and black. In nature, it plays a key role in balancing the ecosystem by breaking down dead vegetation. It is a case of what we don’t know can hurt us because we are exposed to these spores daily. In minute amounts, the spores are typically harmless. However, the game is on should they find their way inside your home or business and can access moisture. Colonies can begin to grow within 24 hours and can find the food they need in carpets, drywall, insulation, ceiling tiles and other organic material. The most common areas you may find growth in are laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and other rooms with high humidity levels.

At first sight or smell (it can have a distinct odor), it is imperative to call the experts at Your Home Inspector Guys for a mold inspection and testing. Those with allergies, suppressed immune systems or decreased lung function have a greater chance of being affected. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, and asthma-like issues. The Institute of Medicine in 2004 found that even healthy people exposed indoors exhibited the same symptoms. Studies have shown that children exposed indoors had a greater chance of developing asthma.

In the world of mold, none is more feared than toxic black mold, Stachybotrys Chartarum. The release and subsequent inhaling or ingesting of mycotoxins can cause us to get sick and animals as well. The truth is that while the black stuff gets the headlines, molds should be treated equally regarding health risks.


Most mold inspections begin as standard home inspections. If our inspectors find a reason to believe it may exist, like the presence of plumbing leaks, musty odors, or visual confirmation, a specific mold inspection is recommended. Our team has been trained extensively in roofing, plumbing, and HVAC systems, by and large, the culprits behind an infestation, and we go through the systems thoroughly. We take air and surface samples and only use certified labs for analysis. You may also see our technicians using state-of-the-art equipment like moisture meters, humidity gauges and borescopes.

We take the health of family and loved ones seriously. If you suspect mold may be growing in your home or business, time is of the essence. We proudly service Broward and Miami-Dade Counties. Contact us today for all of your property inspection needs.

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